The 30th Annual Encampment of the Department of Texas and Louisiana was held in Plano, TX on May 4, 2024.  The festivities began Friday evening with a reception at the home of Bro. Don Gates, PDC.  There was a Saturday morning brunch then on to the meeting, which was called to order promptly at 1pm by Department Commander Michael Lance.  Junior Vice C-in-C Kevin Tucker was on hand to address the Encampment and bring greetings from Commander-in-Chief Hritsko.

The big highlight for Camp 2 was that our very own Commander John Vander Meulen was elected Department JVC.  Congratulations Brother John!  Congratulations are also in order for our newly elected Department Commander, Brother Timothy M. Phillips, Camp 1, and Department SVC Brook J. Thomas, Camp 18. Other Department officers from Camp 2 installed by JVC-in-C Tucker include Stephen Schulze, Chaplain;  Daniel Pourreau, Registrar; Terry Sutton, Graves Registrar; Michael Lance, Historian and John Vander Meulen, Signals Officer.

GAR Sword Presentation
20-Year Service Awards

The Department and each of the Camps presented gifts to outgoing DC Lance in gratitude for his many years of loyal service.  A nice GAR medal from the Department and a beautiful GAR presentation sword from Camp 2 were included with the haul.  There were service awards for 10, 15 and 20 years of membership.  Several Camp 2 members were recognized, including 20 year pins for Stephen Schulze, PDC and Michael Lance, PDC.  Commander Vander Meulen presented the Camp 2 Outstanding Brother of the Year Award to Brother Robert Riley.  Moments later DC Lance presented Brother Vander Meulen with the Department Outstanding Brother of the Year Award.  Congratulations to all the award recipients from Camp 2 and throughout the Department.

One of the main events of the day was an initiation ceremony.  We had several members in full uniform, a large meeting hall decorated with flags, charters and other regalia and a room full of Brothers as witnesses.  Three brothers were initiated, including our incoming Department Commander.  It was a truly impressive and well done ceremony.

Check back later for more once we sort through the hundreds of pictures and several hours of video footage.  And, of course, you can read all about it soon in the May issue of The Banner and in the June 2024 issue of our award-winning newsletter, The Harriet Lane.

Huzzah !!

Commander’s Address
CC Vander Meulen & Bro. Riley
Bros. Harold Sickler, David Rediger & Blair RudyThe Color Guard
GAR Medal Presentation
DC Lance and CC Vander Meulen
JVC-in-C Tucker & DC Phillips
Initiation Ceremony
2024 – 2025 Officers
Group Picture

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