Memorial Day is Monday, May 29, 2023
Honoring our Civil War ancestors buried in the Grand Army of the Republic plot at Washington Cemetery in Houston. Memorial Day 2022.
Honoring our Civil War ancestors buried in the Grand Army of the Republic plot at Washington Cemetery in Houston. Memorial Day 2022.
Camp Lea now has a YouTube Channel where you can follow along with our camp’s activities. Just Subscribe to our channel to keep up on our lastest events.
For example, the Roll Call of the Battle Casualties from our Battle of Galveston Remembrance just this month.
Lieutenant Commander Edward Lea was the USS Harriet Lane executive officer during the Battle of Galveston on New Year’s Day 1863. Lea died of his wounds during the battle, and our camp name honors his memory.
This excellent painting by Tom Freeman shows the Lane in action against the Nashville early in the war. You can find more of Freeman’s work on his website
The cutoff date for contributing for this year is this coming Monday. Donating online is the only way to donate in time for this year’s wreath-laying. This is also the simplest way. Simply log on to the Camp’s WAA Group page at There are three buttons to select from depending on what type of donation you want to make. Simply click on the button you want (the left button is for the basic contribution). The page lets you select the number of wreaths you want to sponsor and the payment method. They accept several methods of payment. Your sponsorship will be immediately recorded.
Civil War Veteran and member of the GAR buried at the Humble Cemetery, Humble, TX
As some of you know, we filmed the graveside ceremony we conducted in Humble, TX, for Union veteran Stephen Robert Carter. Short versions made their way into Facebook, but the complete version is now available on the SUVCW National YouTube Channel.
Members of Camp Lea, Co. A, 13th U.S. Infantry, and the Texas Rifles joined together to take part in the Ceremony in front of City Hall, with seven members firing a 21-gun salute. Afterward, all 11 marched in the parade. A big thank you to Camp Members Daniel Pourreau, Michael Rappe, and Michael Lance for representing all of us on Veterans Day 2022.
The Unionist, The Official Newsletter of the Department of Texas and Louisiana, SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR